This all depends on how much income you make and how much cash you have in reserves.
I would never take out debt against real estate for anything besides real estate. My guess is that your car loan is probably at a super low interest rate and if that is what you want to drive, and if it would sell for a loss anyways, just leave it alone. However, if the car note effects your DTI ratio so that you can't get an additional mortgage, then you need to consider doing something about it. A 39K car loan would blow my DTI out of the water, because I don't have enough income to support it. You might.
I would never take out debt on my home to pay off a credit card either. Rather, I would just work hard to pay it off as quick as possible.
Also, consider that if you take out a home equity loan, you can't use borrowed funds for a down payment on a new house. That means that cash from the home equity loan will have to "season" in your bank account for at least 6 months before the bank lets you use it for DP and/or closing costs.
Also, back to the DTI ratio, that home equity loan will count against your DTI ratio. So make sure you have your ratios figured out. Different banks have different overlays and most are more strict than the government minimums, although not all. Bottom line: have your financing plan figured out from beginning to end, including how each decision effects the entire process.
The little house in the small town doesn't appear to do much for you at $25 a month. I would consider selling it to use that money on a new property that has at least $100/month cash flow (based on 50% rule analysis). You could also use the extra money to pay off your credit card and then use the leftover money to reinvest. Selling that house would also free you of a mortgage so you could get more mortgages.
My gut tells me that if you are having a hard time paying back the 4K line of credit and the 9K credit card, your income might have a fair amount of strain on it and you are not quite flush enough to get into a new deal comfortably. That might be why you are afraid to make a move.