I want Ron Paul for president, for a number of reasons. The biggest reasons are the following:
1. He wants to abolish the IRS. How many people like paying taxes to the IRS? I know I don't. I'd love to be able to keep all that money. Government services? Don't make me laugh. While an argument can be made that we receive services from our state and local governments, we certainly don't receive our money's worth from the federal government.
2. He wants to bring the troops home--ALL the troops, not only the troops in Iraq. It is bizarre that the U. S. has troops in 130 nations. I can't afford to pay for the geopolitical entertainment of the millionaires in Washington D. C.
3. He wants to bring us back to the gold standard. Fiat money is the single most insideous form of taxation in existence. The federal government simply prints money out of thin air, spends it, and instantly your bank account is worth less.
As far as I'm aware, all the other presidential candidates pretty much just want to keep taxing, warring, and inflating. No thank you. Give me peace, prosperity, and sound money instead.