I have a couple of ideas for you to consider. Take your gap year, but not for the reason you might think. If you happen to live near the UPS distribution hub, apply for a job there. It's a part time commitment. 3-5 hours a day, but it's also every weekday, so it is more consistent than a fast food type job. Plus, if you can manage to get yourself on the midnight shift, then you have a lot of those "office hours" that you can be looking around at real estate when other professionals playing in real estate are busy at other 9-5's. Plus, after 9 months at UPS, as just an hourly, you are eligible for full benefits. And one of those benefits is tuition reimbursement, to the tune of over $5K per year. We usually have very close connections with community colleges, but will contribute anywhere you want to pay your tuition. I am not certain what the wage pay rate would be out there for you, but I know it would be more than your minimum wage. Heck, if you can swing it, start with them now and get going on your 9 months!
If that's not enough income for you, then a second place I recommend is Starbucks. Why? Part time benefits eligibility, one of which is again tuition reimbursement. Theirs is a tad more directed - through Arizona State University online - but that's 100% reimbursed, some up front, some on the back end, for working 20 hours a week minimum and getting "C's" for grades. Their wait time for eligibility is shorter, 2 months, if you work over 160 hours over the course of those two months, so 80 hours each month, 20 hours each week.
I recommend these two because you can get really good benefits while still being a part time employee. I haven't investigated other organizations. It might be of value to do so. I know UPS personally, as I have a part time supervisory position at a facility now. I don't have experience with Starbucks, but learned about it for a friend once.
Just ideas to get your education, funded by these two great organizations, build some cash in the process, and go for it in REI when you're ready!
All the best.