Looking for some expert advice for how to deal with a potential scenario.
There was a fire in another unit in my same building about 2-3 condos down. Residual smoke crept through the shared attic space and down into my unit. I currently have all windows open and air purifying unit(s) stationed throughout the condo. All other tenants/owners living in other units in the building are following the same approach. The condition is such that it does not necessitate the need for occupants to have to stay elsewhere. With that said, the tenant has an autoimmune disease and doesn't want to sleep in the house until servePro has cleaned the attic.
I filed an insurance claim and will most likely have servePro come out and clean the attic in the next few days.I am expediting this process and trying to remedy the situation as soon as possible.
The tenant has asked for all the furniture to be cleaned. There is a possibility that the tenant requests to be refunded/pro-rated for the nights that he didn't want to sleep in the unit. In anticipation of that request, or potential problems with collecting rent, any advice on how to handle the situation would be appreciated!
Thanks for the help in advance!