For those investing in any aspect of the Real Estate industry the key thing to keep in mind is what are your GOALS & EXIT STRATEGY!
We have all mentally gotten a project completed or goal achieved for the price we want for a property or return...then all the sudden we move the goal posts. If you write down what your intended goal is and timeline you are more likely to achieve it. Ya, timelines all get pushed out and often returns are lower, but not having a plan is planning to fail.
For myself, I don't work directly in the real estate industry per se. I’m a Business Broker (helping to SELL businesses) in the $1M to $20M price range with our team of 4 experts that work together on all deals! We work to improve a company’s top line Revenue, then help them sell for more! We do this by getting the business owners to write out what their goals are and helping them achieve those goals!
So whether you have a business, real estate investment or funding a deal, keep on top of what your Exit Strategy is and you will be more likely to succeed!