I appreciate all the feedback, guys. And as surprising as this may sound in the year 2017 coming from someone under the age of 30, I actually read that whole reply Mike and I really appreciate and value the input and information you put out there. I admit to being surrounded by haters and naysayers in life and I at this point know how to appreciate encouragement and someone supporting believing in greater and what others consider unrealistic things. Truly thanks! And your support of individualism is something I really connect with. I know that a typical 40-hour work week job drains me, screws with my head, and feels against what is right for me. Real estate investing from what I've heard falls within what works with my persona.
I've heard of using the I think tax appraisers office or Clerk of County Courts, some area of government like that, to find out who is in pre-foreclosure yet may not have tried to sell their home, I'm now familiar with the quote unquote driving for dollars looking for abandoned and vacant to reach out to, and Bill Vaughn suggested going door-to-door with Flyers as a superior approach versus the yellow letter campaign stuff to reach the right people. I was actually very doubtful about the MLS after things I heard but after what you mentioned I realize those people naysaying probably pigeonholed it in my head and I really appreciate you opening my eyes.
Will check out some of your stuff. Thanks again, Mike! *Birds from Finding Nemo* Mike! Mike! Mike! Mike! Mike! Mike! Mike! Mike! :^D