@Rhondalette W.
I know I am kind of late chiming in. Sorry for the lengthy reply but I thought sharing my story may give you a more broad outlook of an individual occurrence. Having had some years of property management experience, I've learned that you can't box up people and their credential. I do believe in setting standards but every situation is not going to fit in those small parameters. The best thing is to learn how to judge people's character and look at the individual situation. Things are not always what they seem.
If someone used bad judgment or fell on hard times 7 years ago, does his track for the last 7 years since that time stand for nought? 7 years ago, my credit was in shambles even though I made sure my rent was paid on time. Today my credit score is better than ever. I learned in the last 7 years how important it is to have good credit. I learned after being turned away or charged super high interest that I didn't want to live that way anymore. Everyone has a turning point. People and situations change.
This is the great example of what I endured with a false eviction. I pay my rent on time every month and have for many years. In my best efforts, I was screwed. I have a great example. I lived in a college town a few years back and found my roommate in a looking for a roommate binder in the management office. I fulfilled my lease and when I was moving out, I asked Mgmt to take my name of since I wasn't renewing but my roommate was. The manager said he only make changes to the leases if neither party renews, the original names and lease stays in tact. Keep in mind while I was paying rent in DeKalb, IL; I moved to Atlanta and was paying two rents every month on time until my DeKalb lease was fulfilled. Fast forward a couple years later, when I applied to an apartment I was secretly told by the leasing agent that an eviction came back with my credit/background information( I did my due diligence and found out that my former roommate skipped.) Luckily, they approved my application with a slightly larger security deposit. She even sneaked and gave a copy so I could contact the Mgmt company. Long story short, after talking to the Mgmt company and their attorney the case was pulled at the courthouse and an entry was made in the record to strike my name as a defendant. I ran into this situation several times. For some reason unbeknownst me, this eviction filing still pulls up when Property Management companies pull my credit. I keep the court document with me in case there is future trouble. If the leasing agents hadn't told me what was going on and allow me to explain my situation, I would probably be living under a cardboard box. I thank God for the leasing agents that looked out for me and gave me an opportunity to defend the false evictions that should up on my background. No matter what I do I can't seem to get this information of my report because it doesn't show on any of the 3 major bureaus.