J Scott,
I think it is a strange time to be expressing Free speech and the right to use that..
People exercising that right were labeled some really nasty things on news shows by news people..That speech about Tea protesters ..
Now we have town halls where citizens are expressing their justifiably so, deep concerns of a Government takeover of all of our lives, literally, with this massive reform.
Obviously people are scared, so many have lost jobs homes and for allot of the self-employed dried up lines of credit even advertisers have felt the cut back..
So free speech is only free if you get to use it..
And what price is attached when people that are telling their names and where they are from at these mob and nazi townhall Q & A are receiving calls in the late evening hours threatening them.
And least we forget Joe the Plumber only asked a question and he was nearly crucified by the media.
I do not get your how far we have come unless it is about carrying.. Az, TX and GA are states that you see people exercising their rights right out in the open.
I find it amusing that we are all shell shocked at the image of armed citizens at a Presidential town hall meeting. It is that failure on our part to not exercise that right especially when so many are harassed and shouted down when they do.
Is it a good idea to have citizens armed. Yes.. Because had those two conservatives been armed I doubt UNION thugs would have attempted to assault them as they did in Tampa and Missouri.
Indeed how far we have come we have a thug in cheif calling for muggings of any opposing electorate.