Thanks Ralph and Jon for your valuable advise. I apprciate it. Since I am not from the area it will be difficult to check out rent sign on a regular basis. Ralph I got some information from the site you recommended. Forlks the following is the statistics of the area. Does this seem terrible place to invest when you are looking at the following statistics. I would like to know your opinion on this. Thnaks
Typical neighbor is predominantly of White ethnicity, majority attaining High School education level and generates about $33,986 per year in household income.
Renter occupied: 41 %
Population: 46,557
Vacancy rate: 6.1 %
Median household income: $33,986
Monthly rent affordability: $849
Crime rate index: Violent: 4, Property: 5 (1-lowest, 5-highest)
Ethnicity: White (92 %) , Black (4 %) , Hispanic (3 %)
Age groups: Under 18 (24 %), 25 to 34 (16 %), 35 to 44 (14 %)
Education: High School (49 %) , College (8 %) , Graduate School (4 %)