All I need you help and advise. I have a tenant that has about 6 months left on her lease.But there has been nothing but problems since she moved in.
Before she moved I replaced the hot water heater with a new one. So on the day the tenant moved in..guess what does not work. Since it was new it was under warrenty> I called the company up and after 2 days they agreed to replace the hot water heater with a new one.
At the same time the a/c stopped working. I had the a/c company come out to repair but they had to order a part. so that took 2 days to fix..
Then 3 months later..guess what? The heat goes out. I was informed of that by the tenant Friday evening. Since it was cold out I wanted to make sure the tenant had heat but everyone I called had to order the part. So I had a total of 3 companies come out before I someone on Sunday to repair the heat.
So a few weeks after that the tenant complained that there was no heat downstairs. The Hvac company came out and did something to the dampers..problem solved right...nope..tenant claimed it is still not hot enaough. HVAC guy said there is nothing else I can do. So tenant is complaing that home does not heat downstairs. Please keep in mind that there is a fireplace(gas/wood) downstairs that tenant refuses to use. So now the tenant has refused to pay rent...What can I do? I was already told that the heat will not balance downstairs.
A few days after that..guess what? During the freeze a water pipe burst...the tenant does not have renter insurance and now decides to sue me.
Oh I forgot to mention that I had a police report made out on the tenant due to being verballiy abused when I met the plumber out for the repaid. Things were so heated I had to leave.
So now I get court papers that the tenant is suring me for $10,000 for inhumane living conditions.