@Steve Bracero @Thomas Quinn @Michael Caras Thanks so much for the advice! As a new guy, I'm just amazed at how tight knit and informative this community is.
Yes, I plan to move in myself (owner occupied) and would like to live there for at least a year. I've been planning this out with my girlfriend, and she's totally onboard with the idea of property investing and would help with the mortgage payments too. She's got a good job that she loves right now. I'm thinking I'd like to repeat the process of purchasing a multi-family and living in it for a year or so maybe 2-3 more times before finally settling in a single family home. But is this unrealistic? My end goal, like many of you, is to collect enough passive income each month so that I can take care of my family, give back, etc.
But anyways. What sorts of things are important to keep in mind about the neighborhood in which you're considering purchasing a two family home? I hear some conflicting things about only buying in areas with a good school systems, or only areas with increasing property values, or areas where CRA is happening. Thanks again!