@Chris Freeburg
Thanks for the reply Chris. I always appreciate and welcome great questions like the ones you have mentioned.
These are the types of questions I really need to learn to ask myself when looking at a property, or just planning my strategy.
1. My market is not an appreciating market. It is actually very stagnant.
2. When I mentioned “buy and hold” I was referring to my long term goals with specific rental investment properties. This property will be my primary residence, but I do not plan to stay in this property for the duration of the mortgage term.
3. Rental rates are so low in my area, that it would be difficult to cash flow on the properties we are looking at.
4. I feel as long as I am close to breaking even on the deal, that is enough for my purposes with this house to live in while we continue to work and save for investing in rental properties. If this property is an expense, and not an investment, I just want to minimize the expense