Josh Rowley, all the comments above are good. I thought i might throw in my 2 cents as well.
Several years ago my team used to sell properties to several funds in non competing areas here in the SF Bay Area. (until they figured they would just hire there own people) Here is what i see happening...
1) Typical funds need to put a minimum of 10million to work, otherwise it is just too small of a business for them to be in. There deal flow is currently unsustainable on local levels and on many different fronts. (tapes, trustee auctions, mls,etc) In addition they have a burn rate on the money that is borrowed. If there is not enough deals for the money they have to give the money back.
Not enough deals = not enough interest from funds.
2)I'm not hearing new money being raised for this type of investing.
I try to keep my ears wide open on what funds and family home offices are investing in. Here is what i am hearing about sfr flipping/buy and hold funds.. "the sexiness of this investment is wearing off." "too many moving parts" " No new money is flowing in at this time". "When x fund realizes that he is just a property manager, he will know why his return is what it is."
This is a good sign. The beginning of the end of these type of funds.
3) Investing is on so many levels a micro managed business that is hard for large funds to see. (too many moving parts) They are after returns, although it looks good on paper, they will soon find out what the management side really looks like. Its funny how quick returns diminish when your disposition is 10% in realtor fees, closing costs, and fix ups. They can not ascertain this on paper, but they realistically will very soon.
These funds are a one trick pony, (buy and hold at the median house prices typical 3/2s) The typical exit strategy is 5 to 7 years. What happens when these funds are going to exit in several years?.. Stay tuned we are in for a wild ride when Wall Street is ready to let this pony out to pasture.
I will also second what others have stated above. "go where they are not". No fund is doing SUB2, No fund knows your stomping ground like you do, has the relationships like you do or can. In addition, if you can, play at the levels they cant.