Joel Owens thanks for the reiteration I had a good idea what you meant just wasn't sure precisely. Thanks for your input as well.
@david Barlow. I fully agree with you. With at least some level of uncertainty, if you fail to screen properly it would only liken your chances of experiencing that bad situation. But when done properly and sticking to a good game plan without faltering your chances of success are so much better. Taken care to keep in mind the neighborhood is also a great attitude to have, I think, so kudos for that advice as well.
@Harry M. Thanks for sharing your experience. I know my mother had a regular tenant convert over to section 8 years ago and when she did they had her paying five a month and my mother had told me she had trouble getting that from her. So I know its not impossible to find some people who simply want everything for free but, again Its situations like this your screening should avoid at all costs.