No, as yet I am not an auction company.
Right now I am an individual trying to acquire properties at a super-low price, then turn around and sell them to investors at what is still a bargain for whatever market.
I needed a good domain name, and of course so many are taken.
In the future I will be auctioning properties as a corporation, and I will use my website for doing so. Also, I am using e-bay now, and will in the future, hence the "auction" part of my name.
I have been studying real estate techniques on and off for several years now. I also work as a UNIX network administrator full time, and have had a fair amount of legal experience, and experience in the maze of public records. So, at this point I am tying all that together to build a real estate business.
I got my first property as such just recently, and am selling it. I have had several offers before 30 days elapsed. As soon as I take care of some municipal red tape with the City of West Palm Beach, I will close.
I started writing a program to get the websites for every county. Basically it works like this:
1) Take the list from the census website
2) For every county, do a google search for that state and county's name, plus keywords like "court" "clerk" "website" "tax deed", "recorder" etc...
3) For each of these searches take the first page, or couple of pages, and pull out the links to county websites. (They usually follow a naming convention like, or, or something like that).
4) Arrange them all by state on a web page.
In about a week or so, I will post the results.