I'm taking on my first building project :idea:
I'm young (just turned 20)...and in the past year, and initial year I've been investing in real estate.....its been damn good for me, flipped 3 new constructions before they were built and actually never made a single payment (except a few on the last one), w/o using ANY liquidity. Now the builder sold me theses properties at a discount....
But, I’ve been planning and designing and scoping for lots (I've put some work into this), got the plans....about to put the contract on the lot, price of lot is where I want it, appraisal for the plans is where I want it, financing is the best I've ever seen, Taxes in area are low.....and I've been taking a look a costs of materials....now, I'm working hard to work under budget like hell....and after the property is built I have accumulated some liquidity to suffice for a short time as reserves to retire the debt before I sell the house. Looked at all the building codes, my design fits, and I've been talking to subs everyday like crazy. Permits will be in place once I execute and get things going. Pre-construction I've allocated ample cash for marketing....and if need be...I can always hire a good realtor to close it. Area is great, low supply great demand. College prone, near downtown, residential, near largest employer of state in nearby area. Now, I haven't seen any new construction in the area, they are all older houses.....and a lot are being renovated and sold for higher value and rented out. New construction always sells better, and low wear and tear due to its newness.
Now, traffic to these high municipal, commercial, academic, medical prone areas from outer areas is getting to be a big factor, and adds stimulus to demand, added with current logistical costs and transportation.
To add more appreciation to the area, large buildings are being turned into high-rise condo buildings and lofts, going for some hefty prices.....
So IN THEORY, it looks like a win....I got some good intellectual backing from friends whom are superintends for the largest builders in the state, #1 & #2, not to mention the designer is one of my homeboys too...
Now, this has got my stomach feeling some multiple Metamorphoses wrapped up and ready to burst (if you know what I mean).......
It’s looking good so far.....
Here are your turn boys and girls to add some (+/-)critical replies, anything will help...I have got to be damn sure.......