Hey @David Constant-
I just sent you a DM with some thoughts, but I'll share some here as well. I will buy ANY deal if the seller allows me to make the terms of financing, LOL.
Because what you buy something for is not nearly as important as to HOW you buy it as long as your loan is long enough and interest rate is low enough.
Make sure you understand that to get 900 for a 1 bed unit in Rockville, it's got to be pretty nice. That seems to be the upper end of pricepoints, where the average is probably closer to 850. On 4 units that's a 200/mo gross difference, or 2400/ yr.
I think your numbers are off for your PITI payments. They sound very low. I didn't do the math myself, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's closer to 2k/mo with a loan balance of 230k +/-. Interest hurts. An insurance will cost more as it's a commercial property (over 4 residential units).
~$4800 after raising rents double check your numbers here.
After accounting for property management, capex, vacancy rates, etc., I'll still be cash-flowing ~$1000 now and ~$2000 after raising rents. I'm thinking I force appreciation by renovating each unit as I turn them over in the next 1-3 years and then refinance to a traditional lender in order to pay out the current seller before the 5 year balloon payment comes due. Make sure the market will support the ARV. there may not be a whole lot of comps in your market.
Does this seem like a good plan? Any feedback or advice? Am I missing anything?
I like the plan, but i'm concerned with some of the numbers. If the numbers are right, this is a solid deal for the Connecticut market at this time and it will be hard to go wrong on it!