Thanks for all the advice people.
Few quick things I've noticed about property in my area. These values are very rough.
An average 2 bedroom apartment in Galway city or the close commuter towns is roughly €100,000. Monthly rent on similar properties is approximately €800. Have not seen any duplex for sale. However there are individual apartments for sale within complexes.
So using the 50% rule would mean €400 after expenses before a mortgage. With a 30 year mortgage of monthly repayments of roughly €350. Doesn't leave much for profits. But these are the average prices. Of course I would have to look around for the best deal. But just letting ye know the market in Galway. Also properties prices increased slightly last year so signs look good for property in Ireland in the future. No better time to get into property investing really!
Ideally I would build my first home as there is a possibility of gifted land from my parents.
So just working out what my first move would be is difficult. I still have about 7 months before I graduate so there is a lot of time to work things out. As in buy house first then save to invest in buy to let. Or rent very cheap and save up for a buy to let while having a low rental somewhere else. So much to work out but loads of time to do so.
Planning on reading up on as much as I can and engaging in the bigger pockets forums as much as I can.
All advice is greatly welcomed. Also don't hold back with and constructive criticism you may have.
Thanks again for the advice.