I recently moved to Memphis, TN and I'm renting a house for the first time. Three weeks ago I discovered a gas leak and my gas was shut off. Due to extreme cold weather, my water was also turned off so the pipes wouldn't burst. I rent from Revid Property Management and, because past maintenance issues have been such a hassle, I thought I'd try to stay on top of my property manager, the plumber fixing the problem and Code Enforcement to get the issue resolved as quickly as possible. I've contacted Revid's office to ask where I should stay during this time or if I would receive a prorated rent and they claimed they didn't know the policy. My lease states that heat and running water are essential items to live in the house but doesn't state what I should do when these items are condemned. I've paid December rent in full but I've been displace since December 17, 2017. Should I be expected to pay January rent in full? What are my tenant rights?