A lot of people on this post have spent time giving you tips for your plan. There were a variety of suggestions, so you will have to decide which ones to put into action. Based on your comments, it appears that this will be your first deal. Location/location/location is always the advice, but with you I would advise as a consultant-caution/caution/caution! That means reducing your risk for losing money. I would suggest following the tips below to set this up:
-especially if you are going to do more than 4 units, or if you will not be living in the property, I would strongly suggest having an equity partner that has ample experience with success...you will have to share your profit to some degree, but this will greatly increase your chance of success
-assuming the partner puts some cash in to set up the loan closing, you will put in less of your money
-less cash means less risk; get a loan (instead of paying all cash) to reduce your risk...also, financially, loans give you greater leverage to get multiple properties which generally will give you more profit than just having one property in cash
Please contact me at 770-817-0559 if you have any questions. Thanks.