I have had great success with this. I take run down single families on busy streets with high exposure near hospitals. I then renovate them where second floor is living area and the first floor is professional home office space (check your zoning rules and regs as some are very ambiguous). In some towns an "employee" of the home based business can live on the second floor and the first floor can be used as professional space. ex; I might sell the property to a Dr. whom puts there daughter in the second floor. Huge win win for me making cash on quick flip and the Dr for tax and exposure benefit (Sign even if small is great for MD marketing) and daughter has a relatively cheap place to live.
This works for Accts, home designers, Therapists, real estate professionals.....just about every profession where I am.
Usually the only limitation is % of home that can be used as office space and number of employees. Again very unclear rules in many areas here in NJ. Detached garages are not included in calculations in my area so I can rent them for x-tra income.