@John Whitridge
Ok, I'll say one thing about your structure then move on to some other items.
If you are doing a 75/25 split and the same on the profit side then I would expect that each of you is doing about the same amount of work. If you are doing the majority of the work (finding the deal, managing the rehab, etc.) then you are devaluing your time. If you were to be doing all the work then on a 75/25 money split I would expect the profit split to be in the 50/50 range.
Make sure literally as much as possible is in writing. This just protects both of you.
Here's some other questions/discussion points.
Whose managing the GC/subs? Someone needs to be at the property at least 3-4 times a week while work is on going and I would argue someone needs to be there daily to check on the progress. Not only to check on the progress but to make sure things like the right color paint/grout is being used. Who will make the phone calls when/if they don't show up?
If you are using a hard money lender then they will probably require you to escrow the rehab budget and will provide rehab draws based on completed work. Whose going to submit those? Meet the inspector? Ensure that each line item is being accurately paid on (i.e. if you request a 50% paint draw whose tracking that to ensure that the GC/sub doesn't then request more than 50% as the final paint draw).
There's a lot of small decisions on the property itself that you should get hashed out. Like are you staging? What color/tile/fixtures are being used. Nothing major, but does one of you think that they will be making all those decisions while the other wants to have a say in all of them?
Once ready, who is the primary POC for selling the property? Does that person have individual authority to accept/reject an offer? Usually you set some general parameters on this (i.e. purchase above X amount, concessions no more than Y) and then discuss anything after that. But it still helps to have those discussion up front versus having to continually call the other partner to discuss the latest offer. I would also recommend adding a resolution to the LLC docs that allows each of you to individually sign on behalf of the LLC. Otherwise title will require that both of you sign closing docs. Not a big deal, but I had an investor who was out of the country and hadn't put this in. We had to do some maneuvering to get signed docs completed.
Whose doing the K1's and tax return for the entity? What CPA (if any) is going to be used.
Whose ensuring that all applicable state paperwork requirements (i.e. meeting minutes) are completed to keep the LLC in good standing?
If you are using things like a credit card for materials and accruing points, what happens to those if a breakup occurs? Same thing with any type of rewards account (i.e. Home Depot Pro Rewards).
Cash calls. Are each of you required to put in the same 75/25 split if a cash call is needed? Does that cash call get any return or is it treated like a 0% interest loan? Does it have priority on the sale and any subsequent distributions? What happens if one partner doesn't have the cash and/or refuses to put it in?
These are just the ones off the top of my head. I'll post more as they come to me.