Hello. I am getting phone calls and emails from my marketing efforts but the leads seem not to be motivated. They want to know what my "unconditional offer" is without first telling me about the property.
I am thinking about changing the way I follow up with leads, put the different types of leads into categories, motivated sellers top tier, non motivated sellers bottom tier. I am thinking about hiring a live person and to train them on how to qualify the leads.
Those that are only interested in my unconditional offer would be put into the lowest tier and I would mail them out an offer instead of calling them back, but I would tell the "unmotivated" lead the offer is in the mail. I would state that the offer is unconditional, subject to change and not binding.
For truly motivated sellers, when qualifying those leads on the phone, I would put those on top and tell them I will call back with an offer within 48 hours.
Any thoughts, ideas, advice about how to follow up leads? Is sorting leads, putting leads into categories and how I respond to those leads seem more productive?
What are the seasoned investors doing to follow up leads and sort out the motivated sellers from unmotivated leads? What kind of marketing strategies can be implemented that will not waste my time or theirs? Thanks