I got the property from one of my clients in my Banking capacity.he Loaned money on it a d subsequently got the property. It's in an abandoned state. Got it at a really good deal. I'm not just talking about them notarized wich we already did 2x but filling out the " Statement of fact" paper wich wants your drivers license your ,sdn all address for last ten years all spouses and children's info your employment history and a narrative about why you don't want the property plus your notary and thumb print. You can't tell me you would be OK with someone showing up at your door wanting that everything this property sells .On a property you wanted nothing to do with you signed off on. And my question is how many times does this go on in the future? These guys should feel it's OK to keep doling out through info for all these title people. I get that title insurance e saved you once but really I should be thanking them , no I think they have made themselves into this role where they want everyone to believe nothing can be done without them and the time they take, it takes them 2 days to walk a piece of paper across a room.As fir the lady she should be helping her clients the people who pay for thier services to resolve these type issues not act like she's the great almighty God of real-estate transactions who no sale can happen without her blessing. And why even have notary if we aren't going to believe them. It should not take 30 to 40 days to close a sale, it's the computer age and now thar they have ingrained themselves into the process so much they are feel they can take however long they want and we have let them. I do t what to argue the merits of the importance of title searching for title insurance I get it you love them you want to marry them they saved you money unhappy for you I have my opinion you have yours I'm just saying would you take a step back and you look at the amount of BS that they throw in there with what they're doing and the fact that they do forget who works for who it's crazy that being said I'm just wondering how long this is going to go on for every time the house sells and if you do have some of that doesn't want to sign off as is their right not to want to give off all the information especially in the climate of fraud that you talked about is there a solution