I was born and raised in SD, lived almost everywhere. @Dan H. is generally spot on. I would note that there was one big omission, as usually happens in conversations of where to live in San Diego. Most people focus on downtown and north. The South Bay has areas other than Bonita with gorgeous homes and neighborhoods! East Chula Vista for example still has (relatively) affordable large newer houses, yes actual houses with large yards. The area is quiet and safe, new shopping centers, restaurants etc. People rarely mention CV and the South Bay because of the higher population of hispanic community. It's a shame because it's a great place to consider if you're looking to buy a home and there's nothing wrong with the area. I lived there many years and never ever felt unsafe. I currently live in Point Loma (near, but not in, OB) and have to say this is certainly the sketchiest area in SD I've lived in so far. Lot's of homeless people and drug addicts. Almost mugged once (saved by a bystander), car was stolen, seen the local CVS running after shop lifters multiple times etc. The crime maps: https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ca/san-diego/crime