I ended up paying a professional to clean up the place. While I continued to clean out the garage and move my stuff. I then hired a junk removal person and kept receipts. I took pictures of everything. When I was done, there was nothing to complain about except wear and tear. Which was paint peeling in several areas of the house and nail holes. They wanted me to paint and fill in holes which in no way was I going to do. The landlord ended up giving me my full deposit back plus my $400 cleaning fee. If this had gone any different I would have challenged it in small claims.
Look, I get being a landlord is a business but as a tenant I’d expect to be treated fairly. Wear and tear is part of it. Three years of being in the same place with the restroom having no ventilation is going to cause moisture to accumulate and peel paint.
Thank you to everyone for the advice. I’m now in my new place and working to continue saving money.