I was just reading the terms and conditions on the auction.com website. One thing I found alarming is you have to sign the paperwork within two hours of winning an auction, or you can lose the $2500 you pay to register for the auction. To make it worse, they have the option to extend the auction close at their discretion. Maybe an auction closes on the 15th of the month, and you know you are available that day, so you bid. What's to stop them from extending the auction until 3am, and then seizing your $2500 bid deposit because you didn't check your email and return the paperwork in 2 hours?
From their Online Terms and Conditions:
"If a Winning Bidder cannot be reached within 2 hours of ADC's acknowledgement of Winning Bidder, or Winning Bidder fails to timely execute the purchase documents, ADC or seller may declare Winning Bidder to be in default."
"Subject to liquidated damages", i.e. loss of $2500 bid deposit.
"Winning Bidder must sign the purchase documents within 2 hours of when they are sent by ADC."
I see no stipulation that auction.com will inform you when the documents will be sent, so it looks like you better be ready to sign them within 2 hours , anytime, day or night. Thoughts?