@Cody Barna
Thanks so much for the tip! Loon is definitely an area I will look into. It has great proximity to Boston (only about 2 hours away, compared to 3+ for most other top resorts) and there is a nice town surrounding the resort. The place you mentioned looks to be right in town - a great location. Do you have a sense of what it rented for during peak and non-peak times?
@Jared Hottle
Thanks Jared, I appreciate the list of considerations. I definitely will be targeting areas that have other activities to offer during the non-ski seasons in addition to having top-rated ski resorts. A common theme I've sensed is that management is extremely important. It can be very expensive (in comparison to long-term rentals) and needs to be very organized and responsive as customer reviews drive rental income.
@Jaylan Archer
Thanks very much for providing this list of New England resorts! If you don't mind, which would you say have the best year round draw?
@Dan Weber
Thanks Dan! I'll be heading up to Sugarloaf to do some skiing in two weeks and am super excited to check it out. That's super valuable to know about the lakes that draw interest in the summer... thanks!
@Alex Forest
This is great idea... shop for a PM and gather data on the rental market at the same time. It's more likely to be in the PMs interest to provide the data since it may result in gaining a new client. And then judging the responses would be part of the process in vetting the PM. I will definitely use this, thanks!