Originally posted by @John Koopman:
@Brian Erickson how did the conversation go? I'm just curious as to what was said that made them willingly take down your info.
I have several places in my area that are in the same situation, and I'd love to either buy or help the owner out by listing it. Fear of rejection definitely stops me. I guess I feel that me bringing up the fact they're in foreclosure would offend them.
I was fully prepared to get the door slammed right in my face. Definitely had to psych myself up! We were actually hanging out with family members that had been foreclosed on right before leaving for the house. I asked them how they would feel if it were them in that situation again, they told me he would have been upset for sure (didn't help my nerves). Onward! We made our way to the property anyway, I wasn't leaving until I at least asked the owner if he was interested in selling.
Basically, I told him that we were interested in relocating into his neighborhood (which we are, though it would be a BRRRR rental until we were ready to move) and if he was interested in selling his house. He then mentioned that I must have been doing some foreclosure research, where I then geared up for immediate rejection. I told him there were multiple properties that we were interested in and I thought the best way to try to get in was to meet the owners and ask them in person (may have gained a small amount of respect there). I told him that if it was something he was interested in that we could both potentially benefit from a transaction.
[Also, tried to implement some Michael Quarles wisdom and take a couple steps back after knocking on the door and threw in some Chris Voss by trying to mirror a few things that he mentioned.]
In (what I imagine was simply a defense mechanism) turn he mentioned that this is just something 'they do' year after year (NOD's have been filed for multiple years in a row, I can't imagine there is any strategy there) and that the place was not going to be foreclosed on. But immediately after that he said, 'Buuuuut, let me get your information...'
Long story short, it was nerve wrecking and slightly terrifying. I had to remember my 'WHY' and it out weighed the potential rejection. I believe that it's much easier to throw a yellow letter away than it is to completely ignore someone that is at your door. Not just that, but your presence can hopefully leave more of a personable impression.
I wasn't leaving the neighborhood until I did it and I'm stoked I did! We've written a follow up with an attached picture to solidify our interest and keep the door open to further the relationship. Excited for what may come of it but no matter what I won't have any 'what if's'!