Thanks guys! I've already checked out the reading list, but I'm a little unsure about some of the books mentioned. When I went on Amazon for Landlording on Auto-pilot, for example, almost all of the top-rated reviews were negative for false advertising ("free forms" that you have to pay for). Yet most of the blog comments on here were strongly in favor.
So far I've read Rich Dad Poor Dad, the Richest Man in Babylon, and some financial books by Brian Tracy and others. But nothing yet that's real estate specific. Is there any specific order somebody could recommend for books to read? I've got a good 5 months to educate myself and mount my search before the lease is up on my apartment.
Chris, thanks for your suggestion about interviewing a handyman. It would probably be pretty useful to talk to one beforehand, and maybe even take them along to look at properties, paying them for their time but with the understanding that they would be my go-to guy for repairs. I'll start looking around Yelp to see if I can find somebody.