@Sean McDonnell
So I obviously like your 2nd response much better because that is my exact thought process. "What is the worst that could happen?" The WORST case scenario is it doesn't work out and I go back to working my normal job since I still have all my credentials. No big deal. I don't buy in to the "it didn't work for me so it won't work for you mindset" because I've heard that from many people in many different situations. I am absolutely willing to hustle and put in the upfront work and if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out. Additionally, I know you don't have to be an agent to invest but I like the idea of having more market knowledge and immediate access to the MLS.
I spoke with @Account Closed on the phone this afternoon who provided some great advice from personal experience on the matter and interesting perspectives on both being an agent and investing in my market. He encouraged me and told me that it will be tough and demand time but if I'm passionate then I will make it work.
In conclusion, thank you for the advice. I love having all these differing opinions from different people in different parts of the country. I'd love to hear more about your experience as a dual career agent and what pushed you into full time. I'll PM you. Thanks!