@Erik W. Haha! You are right, I have started taking measures to let the tenant know if her increased portion of the rent is not received , then we will have to start taking measures. *I see our first eviction in my future..*
We only lived there about 1 year. It was not ideal to move so soon, and I was 6 months pregnant at the time too, however it has been a great choice. Therefore from all of my research, the only way to avoid paying the Cap gain taxes is to do a 1031 exchange, correct?
The house is currently 2 hours away, if we reinvested into another property I would buy in the city we are currently living in. We considered selling the house when we had to move, but thought we could manage it from here. It has been okay, but you are correct, I would much rather have a rental here.
We both have great credit for our ages, so I am told 790+, but I am no longer a full time employee, so to qualify I believe it would have to go under my husbands name? Or is there a way a bank would finance me? Previously I qualified for significantly more than the house was ($280k and the duplex was $130k) but now I mostly stay home with our son and have limited income.
We do invest into index funds, but would really like to get a real estate portfolio as a replacement for my income ( har har, I know lol)
Again thank you so much for your wisdom. It very much has me leaning towards selling the property, and reinvesting closer.