The estimate I received, inclusive of the new service panel, was $36k. Obviously I will be getting some additional quotes. From what I understand if a homeowner is unaware and they get insurance they are fine. It's more if it is not disclosed and they are aware. Same for selling the property...if you are aware you must disclose it. Otherwise the buyer can sue the seller. It is not visible on the property at all...honestly if it was I probably would not have bought it!
I know people often update a few light fixtures on that type of system and that's really all I was looking to do. This is not a buy and hold, this is a flip so I want to sell a safe product to the future homeowner and as long as I disclose I think I'm okay. I know in this market there HAS to be a lot of this wiring...I just can't wrap my head around is everyone paying to re-wire the houses, completely oblivious to having this wiring, or just lying about it?!