Hi Bigger Pocket
I just read this site and it appears to something very beneficial to me.
Background - I am a doctor who makes over 500K(1099) clinically and over 500K( K1) as part owner of the business for the past 3 years. Income taxes are a heavy burden. My wife (homemaker) and I have 8 rental properties. 3 STR and 3 LTR with property manager and 2 MTR that she manages. All major renovations, looking for deals, meetings with contractors, setting up the furnished MTRs, Advertising/answering questions for MTRs are done by my wife.
Real estate professional Status (REPS) requirements are all met by my wife for the past 2 yrs.
- 1. Perform more than 50% of services in real property trades or businesses (“50% test”), and
- 2. Perform more than 750 hours of service in real property trades or businesses (“750 hours test”), and
- 3. Materially participate in each rental activity (“material participation test”).
I would say we have about 4-5M in asset depreciation that we typically take over 27 yrs per our CPA thus we do not pay tax on rental income/profit.
Could We
1. Use her REPs status and real estate depreciation/loss to offset my 1M/yr income for the next 4-5 yrs thus paying no income tax on my business/clinical income?
2. Can I offset my business K1 and Clinical 1099 income?
3. Do I need to have a professional calculate my segregation cost to set my depreciation basis
4. What else do I need to do to justify this for the IRS? Do I need to form an LLC with her name on it? Would keeping a google calendar with dates/hours/time worked to satisfy the 750 hrs be adequate? Do I need to set her up with a Business Credit card under her/business entity to satisfy the IRC? Currently we just run everything through our personal email and personal credit card.
If we are able to do this, and offset all of my work/business income, this would free up 4-500K/yr to buy more properties rather than paying income tax. Does anyone have a cost segregator (if needed) or CPA that specializes in this from Austin TX to walk me through the process?
Thanks Mike