First, let me say I wish I'd been smart enough to listen to my old man and "start out" when I was your age.
As to your question, no, the loan officers probably aren't really going to like you if you have no assets (job, credit score, collateral, cosigner are assets). Don't take it personal though, it's their job to make sure they lend money to those who will pay it back. Essentially it boils down to credit is only easy to get if you don't need it. Just because you're a risk doesn't mean it won't happen though, the key to getting where you want to be is to keep trying.
If I had it to do over again I'd look to find the best available job (even if you're in college) and move into everything I bought until I was 25 or so. Owner/occupant loans are easier to get and there are many programs for the "first time buyer". Try to avoid mortgages that require you to stay as the owner occupant for more than a couple of years. When the numbers work to turn the current place into a rental it's time to move on. As you develop assets (starts with that job and first house/condo/townhouse...) then you can branch out into other "methods". This means something of a nomadic lifestyle but if you're anything like most of the young adults I've met (and once was) that shouldn't be a big deal being as you probably can move everything you own in your car so moving every year or so isn't a big deal. ;)
Considering the conditions most teenagers will tolerate and depending on your construction skill levels you might want to be on the lookout for a rehab deal. Living in a construction mess is a lot easier when you're younger. Consider volunteering with Habitat for Humanity if you lack construction knowledge, you can pick up a lot from some of the guys that work on those homes.