My name is Eligio I'm 23 years old currently working full time and have recently just started a family. I'm pretty new to real estate investing as I've only been learning for about the past month and I'm super happy that I've found it because I finally feel I found something I will truly succeed in. So I've finally decided to make an account and to start to engage my journey through real estate investing and start connecting with some great people here on BP.
I'm still trying to figure out what best niches and strategies will work for me as i am currently living pay check to pay check so I really don't have any money and I do have pretty bad credit (from being ignorant as a kid and never paying my credit cards) but I am working on it and trying to fix my credit I've finally grew up when I found out about my son, but enough rambling.
Last thing my main goals are to
-pay off debt
-have financial stability
-quit my job within the next year
Thanks for reading guys hope you enjoy and join my journey.