@Daniel Tisdale I definitely would not do this. Funny this topic came up though. I started reading Brandon Turner's book today "The Book on Rental Property Investing" and he starts off the book talking about how appreciation or the long-term vision of selling for a much higher profit should be seen as the icing on top, not as the main reason for investing in a rental property. $400 per month is a significant loss on a rental. That's what I make now on my single family property and what many investors would love to make on each of their doors. Also, many investors are talking about the real estate market being at another peak right now, and the data says so as well. So imagine you buy this now then years down the road you can't even get your month back and have to sell at a loss or hold onto it even longer. This happened to many investors during the housing crisis and it can easily happen again. Either bring the price significantly down or walk away. Good luck!