Ok BP, seeing that the LA market or So.Cal for that matter is heavily saturated with wholesalers, bir dogs, and others. What strategies and systems are you using to find deals? I rencently turned to the MLS to search, however I can not get a REA to submit offers for me as my transactional funding, is not considered valid POF. I have active REAL buyers that will buy, and looking for various deals, REO's, Fix and flips, the problem is finding them. I have invested in software to help, with absentee owners, and other lead generating techniques, however I am finding it difficult to find anything. So again I turned to the MLS. So question:
1. Is the MLS a viable lead source? If so are there any "simultaneous close friendly" realtors out there??
2. If MLS is a solid source, then how are you all submitting offers? And closing on them??
3. If the MLS is a dead source, what do you suggest? My main strategy is wholesale.
Again, I have active REAL buyers in LA county, Orange County, and Riverside County, all legit, just need real deals to present. I know formulas and deal analysis, just need the goods 😁
Any advice would be appreciated as I would like to close another deal before the end of summer, and 5 by the end of the year.
Many thanks,
Psalms 37:23