@Steven Bates has your Architect designed anything yet? If they haven’t I would ask the following:
1. Where on the site should the warehouse be located to minimize grading and storm water issues?
2. Can roof drainage be drained on the lot, catch basin, or tied directly to the storm system?
3. What is their fee for a topography survey (include utility locations), storm water plans, grading, arborist (if needed), and any other requirement the county may require? When they do their survey be sure it is based on a County datum.
4. Once an Architect provides plans how long does it take to have plans ready to submit to the county?
5. Do they do the county submissions for their plans?
6. If parking is required for your project for they provide parking plans? Do they figure out the number of spaces required or that need to be ADA accessible (usually an architect will work with the civil engineer on this)?
7. Do they design site walls if needed?
8. Do they provide erosion and sediment control plans? Usually it is part of the storm water management plans.
9. Do they do field inspections during construction.? Usually they need to be an RLD (responsible land disturber). This is an easy license to obtain. I had one for three years and usually contractors have them. it is nice if they have someone on staff.
That is all I can think of for now. If I think of anything else I will let you know.