Quote from @Phil C.:
Our family owns a home occupied by a section 8 tenant. The last time the rent was increased was more than 3 years ago. The tenant is currently paying less than current market rate, and we are only asking for an increase of 6%. This tenant has been a pain in the *** and high maintenance from the get go, but we are stuck with them. In order to receive a rent increase, the rent increase request form submitted to the Housing Authority must be signed by the tenant and landlord. Our section 8 tenant is refusing to sign this form. Has anyone ever dealt with a situation like this?
BTW, this is in the SF Bay Area in a rent controlled and tenant friendly city so it's next to impossible to evict.
Hi Phil, When I have worked with Section 8 clients, I first contact their case worker & let them know a rent increase is imminent, in some cases the Housing Case worker will also send a letter of adjustment showing the "New Tenant Adjustment Rate" to be paid. IN any case, I would send a certified copy of the new terms to the Housing office along with same copy to the resident; Then I would confirm with the Housing Authority/Resident they received the letter & acknowledge the new terms. Should the tenant/housing authority "NOT" agree to the terms or sign, you can then let the Housing Authority know in writing that you will NOT be renewing the contract for a new term.
You should not have to go to extremes for hiring an attorney, but you can always consult your Evictions attorney in writing for input on the steps you plan to take-