Hello all! My name is Edrian and live near the Chicagoland area. I've been wanting to get into real estate investing for about a year not, but just didn't have the finances and the confidence to do so.
It does look however that I will be ready to actually take action soon. . Did a little search on the best sources and I found this website to help learn and prepare myself. After watching the Path-to-Purchase well as reading some threads, this looks like a place I will like to be active in.
It surely looks like I have LOOOOOOTs to learn. I do have experience in real estate somewhat. I bought my house on short-sale which was about $20,000 - $40,000 cheaper then comps around the area were being bought at. Many people said I could of got it cheaper, but hey, I was just really happy of finally buying my first property (even if it was for my own personal rather then an investment). After being at my place for year and with a steady job income, I started to think about real estate investing Though everybody that knows me knows my weakness is my conservative mindset. Not knowing it all will keep me from taking action.
This website and the content everybody provides has been really great so far, and it looks like I will be on this everyday. In the beginning, it may be slow just trying to learn and I will most likely ask too many questions. But the more I grow and experience, I will eventually do more contributing then learning...and then when I take action on my first purchases and experiences, I will share as well.
Thank you all for reading, and hope we can share experiences and knowledge!