Hi Edwin. Un gusto conocerle. Thanks for the welcome.
Winston, Thanks! I think we... (this has adventure wouldn't have been close to possible without my wife's support and decisiveness!!!)... took a less-conservative approach and just kind of made a huge jump after having really felt the opportunity here.
We are bilingual and we've been working in Latin America for over a decade so we are in a unique position to offer value linking the US and Ecuadorian markets. We've leveraged that as much as we can and hope to continue doing that.
One challenge we've faced is getting spread too thin and I'm still trying to figure out where our energy will be best spent... definitely like a kid in a candy store trying different niches (agent, builder, developer, and we're starting to work with an escrow company on establishing a REIT to access larger properties) and getting my hand slapped here and there and learning lessons.
It's still hard to determine what is the best area to focus on because it seems like the transaction to transaction variability in profit (and loss) within a niche is greater than the variability between the different niches... makes it hard to nail down a niche to really focus on.
Anyone with hands-down advice or strong opinions on where to focus, please do share!
Sorry for the really long response to your welcome message but the real estate community in Ecuador is limited and it feels quite refreshing to connect to this community.