The job was to disconnect the plumbing in order for the countertops to be installed. The water to the unit was not shut off prior to working on the plumbing. The helper was turning off the valve and the pipe broke off in the wall behind the valve. The handyman's position seems to be that the plumbing is old and the pipe broke, our problem. Yet, had the helper taken what we believe is the proper step to turn off the water at the meter, the pipe may have very well broken, but there wouldn't have been a flood! Turning the water off at the meter should be, IMO, plumbing 101.
The guy totally freaked and had we not been there to help locate the meter, get it turned off and mop up all the water, I can't imagine what would have happened. The helper later kept saying, "if someone had just told me to turn the water off, I would have."
To clarify, the mold issue was mentioned by the owner of the downstairs unit, not the handyman. Agree that mold should not develop in such a short time period. We are concerned he is setting us up for $$$ in the future.