Darrin - if you have the ability to do that, I feel it would be beneficial to expose what Property23 and Sean Whalen is doing. There are a lot of people who come to this site just to absorb info and never even create a profile. It could save hundreds of others from getting scammed.
I don't look at it as 'bashing' a person, I am not into that. However, I do look at it as getting the word out on a company and the man behind it that intentionally does fraudulent business by grossly misleading advertising and strong arm sales pitches.
If I remember correctly, there is a certain part in this forum for warnings on certain 'gurus', products, programs and companies. That would be a good place to continue this thread. Title it Sean Whalen and Property 23.
I was talking to the buyer the other day and he has still been kept from talking to the boss and are still giving him a run around and telling him that they have not lost a law suit against them to date. (more or less telling the buyer not to even try because they will win - they know by experience). This is very telling information as it stands - how many other before this buyer have they swindled??
Just throwing this out there to the BP community, is there anything that can be done on a whole here, not just with THIS buyer, but all the buyers that this company has intentionally mislead. Have like all of them stand together and file one big suit? Not immediate gratification, but...
This company seems to be getting thru a lot of loopholes, surely their contracts, etc can not be that ironclad. Do we have any lateral thinkers out there? :idea:
Thorney - If you do some research, you will find it is uncanny that he shows up anywhere there is a complaint about him. BP was no exception. Most people are voicing their complaints on small boards that never get looked at. This time he tried to take on the BP members and they know BS when it is around.
Yes, BP has great people that contribute their knowledge and time and we all appreciate it. I am sure that the newer members are striving to follow in the footsteps and contribute their knowledge, as they get it, in the future. That is just how good people work. You give of yourself. What goes around ultimately comes around. :wink: