@Adam Hershman:
what i think you are missing and what you eluded to is 100% cash equity vs something other than 100% cash equity to start building a real estate portfolio.
If you only have X dollars to start with how do you grow your portfolio to increase your cash flow? You either buy 1 property and MAX out cash flow or you buy as many you can given underwriting guidelines.
And yes, 100% cash ownership of a house will always cash flow better than 20% equity and 30% better than 20 and so on. Just forget about the value of these house for a minute, just assume you can borrow up to 10 SFRs, would you rather have 5 or 10? or 1 or 10?
Take all the money you can get if you are cash flow positive on each property after expenses and debt service. Use your cash reserves to weather a storm or whatever. And remember you now have 10 people paying off 10 mortgages instead of 5 people or 0 people. Make someone else work a W2 job to pay off your debt.