Wow....thanks so much for the resources provided. I'm trying not to be discouraged...
And I certainly don't want to jump just because it seems like a good deal...
I think the part of my equation that I'm not factoring in is this:
If I get the home at the rate I hope (60k) and I borrow 80k that will leave 20k in reserve.
10k I will keep untouched for unexpected things. The other 10k could be prorated down to payback on the loan..
Ugh..i'm doing the math as I'm typing...that's only about $60 a month.
I do appreciate the patience and latitude I'm being given here; but, my gut tells me this is a good deal if I can get it.
I know I can rent this property in a heartbeat. In fact, I put a post on Craigs List advertising it and I've already gotten several inquiries.
It's in a good safe neighborhood. The land value alone is 90k. In 3 years I'm sure I could double my money.
I just want to bring in a bit of income in the interim.