I am not a lawyer, but most of what you describe seems to be more related to what is your and his contractual obligation, not whether or not it is legal or illegal.
For example, if his lease says he can make you mow the lawn weekly, and if you don't he can charge you $50, then, it is completely legal. If the lease says you must maintain the lawn, and he has a right to do it on your behalf and charge you for it, that is a gray area. If the lease says nothing about it and he sends you bills for this or that, even then it may be more of a contractual issue. All of that is disputable in court.
Regarding the electricity, if it is included, unless the lease states otherwise, he doesn't have a right to tell you to turn off the fans, but it doesn't sound illegal. He sounds like a jerk and a terrible landlord, but might not be breaking the law.
Now, if he cuts off your utilities, that is illegal. The garage / attic issue might be as well, unless noted in your lease.