@David Putz I'm not 100% sure but yes it sounds like I could use outside money to pay the fees. I think my concern is more that it just seems like too much to pay and too many hoops to go through in order to support the small marginal gain I would get compared to leaving the Roth IRA invested in mutual funds.
@Carl Fischer Thanks for taking the time to respond and provide some ballpark estimates. To answer your question, it's not so much rationale as it is my particular circumstances.
I recently consolidated my retirement accounts into my current 401k provided by my day job. The Roth IRA got left behind. Yes, I don't qualify to make IRA contributions either (I guess I could do the "back door" if I was determined to fund the IRA). But most of all I don't expect to make further contributions because I am applying my cash in other ways now, such as to my 401k and to rental property. If there is any rationale, it's that I'm never going to be able to accrete enough money to do something like buy a rental property by contributing $5,500 per year. Not to mention the unfavorable tax treatment for leveraged investments held in an IRA (Hello UBIT/UDFI).
@George Blower Thanks for the recommendation.