I have a STR that we use which is waterfront and has high peak seasonal cost in the summer. We had someone reach out looking to see if we would be interested in a 6 month rental from an insurance company that they would potentially have someone stay for 6 months, with then 30 day notice month to month tenant at will if construction isn't finished in time.
They mentioned working with insurance agencies and shows on Airbnb he has multiple reviews and properties, but that he had a contact reach out in my area where he doesn't have rentals. Asked for a blended cost of rates I would be happy with for 6 months based on monthly rate. He also asked for address of the paperwork, and that if accepted by the insurance company, the renters would have background, damage deposit and would do a walkthrough of the property to make sure they liked it.
Any concerns around giving out my STR address, and has anyone done something similar before? Curious if I should be on the lookout for anything not above board with the process.