@Matt McConkey
@Matt McConkey
@Matt McConkey
Hey Matt!
(1,4) Right now I am over qualified for the position I’ll be working as. So right now I will be making 90k a year... however I’m looking to be promoted in June and if so I can make anywhere from 100k to 150k depending on how long I work out at sea for, how much overtime I work, and which class ship I get on. It varies so much because different ships have different types of work; and with that I may be working +70 hours a week and I may receive additional payment on top of my overtime payment depending if the work I do falls under “dangerous cargo”.
I’d be able to gain another 30k within the next 4 months after that first four months... maybe less.
2) I currently live at home with my parents while I’m not working. The reason is because I don’t want to be paying for a place of my own if I’m not there. I work for months at a time out at sea (+4 months at a time) so getting an apartment is an unnecessary expense for me. I don’t even have a car... no need for it.
3) I currently live in a hotel (waiting for the detailer to send me out to my next ship), which is paid for by the company I work for as well as food. While I work, I will be living onboard the ship; my living costs will be paid for onboard as well.